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Charger Robotics is Charged Up for the 2023 season! Rebuilding back from COVID, we want to reach out to all of our past members.

We hope that your time on the team has had a positive impact on your life - and that all the experience taking on challenging tasks, meeting short deadlines, and working with your peers ended up being useful in your post-high school careers.


I'm sure you know now that Charger Robotics is not just a high school club, but a community that has touched a lot of lives since 2011: those on our team, our mentors, and people all over Kent.

We would love to stay connected with you in multiple ways:


We would love to see you at our competitions! This year, we are competing at Bonney Lake High School on _______ and at Auburn High School on _______. Come pick up a button and a keychain! You can also see us in Room D2 Mondays through Thursdays from 6:00-8:30 and Saturdays from 9:00-5:00. This is a good chance to see what we're building!


We have a gallery of pictures going back several years. However, we want more photos to fill in the gaps of our early years! Please shoot us an email containing a picture or an update on where you are in life at!

Our annual budget amounts to about $30K. Any financial support would be appreciated! Please consider donating $37.86 to our team!


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